Women prefer men who tell jokes: They deem them as more intelligent and wealthy
It has been found that men possessing a good sense of humor have the ability to charm women into sexual encounters, as it makes them appear more intelligent and financially successful. A study was conducted, wherein 162 women participated in a speed-dating style experiment, where they were presented with photographs of six men. Each man had provided an ‘icebreaker’ statement, which was either a humorous joke, an unfunny joke, or a mundane statement about their favorite color or pizza.
The men were selected based on their average physical attractiveness, as rated by women. The results indicated that women were significantly more inclined to provide their phone number to men who had made a funny joke, as opposed to those who had not attempted humor or had made an unfunny joke. A subsequent experiment revealed the reason behind this phenomenon.
In a recent study conducted by Dr. Mitch Brown of the University of Arkansas, 81 women were asked to evaluate photographs of eight men, half of whom had made a humorous joke and half of whom had made an unfunny joke. The results indicated that the women perceived the men who made the humorous joke as more intelligent and having a higher earning potential than the men who made the unfunny joke.
The study, published in the journal Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, suggests that men use humor as a way to signal their interest and connect with women by laughing together. Women also appreciate an attempt at humor from men, even if it falls flat, as they rated both funny and unfunny men similarly highly for friendliness. However, the study found that women expected men to be more successful in attracting a partner if they were funny. The experiment involved 162 women who were asked to rate the men’s friendliness, likely dating success, and the likelihood of giving them their phone number after seeing the photographs and statements made by the men.
There exists a potential hazard associated with men who engage in humor, as it may either enhance their appeal as warm, kind, and desirable partners, or conversely, it may result in them being perceived as untrustworthy show-offs who are only interested in casual relationships. In order to ascertain the viewpoint of women, a study was conducted wherein 108 women were requested to evaluate men based on their humorous and non-humorous statements, and indicate their preference for a long-term relationship with them. The results indicated that women preferred men with a good sense of humor for long-term relationships, as they were perceived as being committed and reliable partners.
Additionally, women also preferred funny men for short-term relationships, albeit with a lesser advantage over unfunny men. The humorous statements used in the study were those that had previously been found to be amusing to women, such as “The past, present, and future were having an argument. It was tense,” and “Cremation – my only hope for a smoking hot body.” Conversely, the unfunny statements included jokes such as “What do you call a tiger with glasses? A scientist tiger.” While women do appreciate a good sense of humor, physical attractiveness still appears to be a crucial factor, as a group of 141 women ranked funny men as even more desirable when their photograph was attractive as opposed to unattractive.