
Vape concern as more than 6 of 10 e-cigarette users fear long-term impact on their health

e cigarette vape (2)

A recent study revealed that a majority of vapers, specifically over 60%, express concerns regarding the potential long-term health consequences associated with vaping. Furthermore, a significant portion, precisely 51%, assert that they are more dependent on vaping devices compared to their previous addiction to traditional cigarettes.

e cigarette vape (3)One out of every seven individuals surveyed reported experiencing shortness of breath. However, only 46 percent of them intend to quit soon, despite 62 percent expressing concerns about their health. Despite the government’s reported consideration of prohibiting single-use vapes, many individuals are still resorting to them. Experts are apprehensive that vapes may lead to nicotine addiction, particularly among children.

According to a poll conducted by Vitality Health Insurance, merely 25% of individuals who use electronic cigarettes believe that it is completely safe. The spokesperson for the company, Katie Tryon, emphasized the significance of acknowledging the potential risks associated with vaping. She stated that electronic cigarettes are not only highly addictive but also have adverse side effects.

What is Wape?

Vaping devices are electronic devices that are powered by batteries and are utilized by individuals to inhale an aerosol, which commonly comprises of nicotine, flavorings, and other chemical substances. These devices can take on the appearance of conventional tobacco cigarettes (cig-a-likes), cigars, or pipes, or even ordinary objects such as pens or USB memory sticks. Other devices, such as those with refillable tanks, may exhibit varying appearances. Despite their diverse designs, these devices generally function in a comparable manner and are composed of similar components. Presently, there are over 460 distinct e-cigarette brands available in the market.

e cigarette vape (1)Vaping Among Teens

The use of vaping devices among adolescents has become a prevalent phenomenon and is currently the most commonly utilized form of nicotine among youth in the United States. Research indicates that a significant number of teenagers are unaware that vaping cartridges contain nicotine and instead assume that the pods solely contain flavoring. The widespread availability of these devices, enticing advertisements, diverse e-liquid flavors, and the perception that they are less harmful than traditional cigarettes have contributed to their appeal among this demographic. Furthermore, their concealable nature, as they do not emit the odor of tobacco cigarettes and are often disguised as flash drives, makes them easy to conceal from parents and educators. Additionally, a study conducted among high school students revealed that one in four teenagers reported using e-cigarettes for dripping, a practice that involves inhaling vapors produced by placing e-liquid drops directly onto heated atomizer coils. The reasons cited by adolescents for dripping included the desire to produce thicker vapor (63.5 percent), enhance flavors (38.7 percent), and experience a stronger throat hit, a pleasurable sensation caused by the vapor’s contraction of the throat (27.7 percent).

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