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Married British Airways pilot sniff coke off topless woman… right before fly packed holiday plane back to UK

First Officer Mike Beaton was suspended by British Airways

A British Airways pilot who was married has been terminated from his employment after boasting to colleagues about snorting cocaine off a topless woman during a drug-fuelled orgy prior to a scheduled flight to the UK. A co-worker was alarmed by First Officer Mike Beaton’s behavior and reported it before he was scheduled to co-pilot a flight from South Africa back to Britain.

Beaton had sent texts to a stewardess, claiming that he was so intoxicated that he couldn’t even lift his head after partying all night with a Welsh woman, a Spanish lady, and several local men.

According to The Sun, the conduct of an individual who is a father of one resulted in a 24-hour delay of a flight as the airline endeavored to secure a suitable replacement, incurring an estimated cost of £100,000 for British Airways. Upon his return to the United Kingdom, the individual from Devon was subjected to a drug test, which purportedly yielded a positive result. British Airways has asserted that there was no jeopardy to passengers and has disclosed that the individual is no longer employed by the organization.

First Officer Mike Beaton was suspended by British Airways and later firedThe revelations regarding the co-pilot’s conduct were disclosed by the co-pilot himself, subsequent to Beaton’s boastful account of his activities in South Africa approximately one month ago, which he shared with a fellow colleague.

During his downtime, the First Officer had been present in Johannesburg before being assigned to assist with a return flight to London. However, he confided in his colleague that the situation had escalated after encountering a group of individuals at a nightclub in the city.

He recounted that after returning to the hotel for a final drink before retiring for the night, the situation became more intimate, involving kissing and subsequently finding themselves at an acquaintance’s apartment.

He further elaborated, stating, “Welsh had determined that I should become her romantic partner, while Spanish had engaged in a relationship with one of the two local gentlemen, who were attentively attending to her on their sofa.”

The father then proceeded to boast about the presence of topless female dancers and his decision to join them, followed by the introduction of cocaine by one of the local men.

“There ensued a discussion regarding whose chest would serve as the most suitable surface for consuming a line of cocaine,” he proudly declared.

“That is the account of how I found myself snorting cocaine off a woman’s chest in Johannesburg.”

He asserted that the night did not conclude there, revealing that he spent the entire night with Welsh, engaging in intimate activities for an extended period of time (presumably influenced by the cocaine), and subsequently being in such an inebriated state that he was unable to lift his head until after 2 a.m.

According to a reliable source within the airline, managers expressed their strong displeasure upon receiving reports from colleagues about the pilot’s behavior. They described the pilot’s actions as self-sabotaging and emphasized that despite the absence of alcohol in his system upon his return to the UK, he would never be allowed to fly again.

In response to the incident, a spokesperson for British Airways stated that safety is always their utmost priority. The matter was promptly reported to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), resulting in the pilot’s termination from the company.

The CAA, when contacted by The Sun, highlighted their stringent protocols for handling cases where pilots misuse alcohol or drugs. They emphasized that airlines are required to immediately inform them if a UK pilot has engaged in such behavior while boarding or being on board an aircraft. In such instances, the pilot’s medical certification is immediately suspended, rendering them unable to fly. The CAA further explained that a comprehensive rehabilitation program would be implemented if the pilot sought to return to flying, and their medical certification would only be reinstated if the CAA was completely satisfied.

When approached by reporters, the pilot’s wife declined to comment, directing them to speak with her husband instead.

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